MY Auto services : Certifications and Professional Qualifications.....
My Auto Services technicians are properly trained engineers and highly qualified to work on any type of cars of any make and model. During our 20 years of existence we have gained a wealth of technical knowledge as well as many qualifications that are highly recognized in the British automotive industry.
My Auto Services and its team members are proud to be fully certified by and members of the ATA - Automotive Technician Accreditation, a national voluntary scheme which tests the current competence
of individuals working in the motor industry and who are committed to an ethical code of conduct.
For more information on ATA, click here.
of individuals working in the motor industry and who are committed to an ethical code of conduct.
For more information on ATA, click here.
MY Auto Services is also a member of IMI - The Institute of the Motor Industry. the IMI is the professional association for individuals working in the motor industry. the institute is a Sector Skills Council for the automotive retail industry and the governing body for ATA scheme.
For more information on IMI, click here.
For more information on IMI, click here.